please report sticky doors, uneven floors

Walker Library in Minneapolis, MN.

After several long hours playing mercy with WordPress and combing my brain for brilliance, I’ve coaxed, begged and strong-armed this website into being. Welcome! I’m Meg Holle. You may know me from such world wide websites as Facebook and, and possibly even in the flesh as mild-mannered library student Margaret but-you-can-call-me Meg. This is my portfolio site–a professional online presence for me to showcase my work and talk shop.

I may be short on posts for awhile, as my new and final semester of library school has just begun (yes, I should be working on my Collection Management presentation right now… or at least enjoying this brisk but bright Vancouver Sunday afternoon). The front page also looks a little underdeveloped without much content to suck to the side under Recent Posts, and my my what a sad tag cloud, theoretically under Browse. More like a tag clear sky. And cupboard-bare categories, too…. How does one classify a collection that doesn’t yet exist? Hmmm.

Best never mind this for now–it’ll look shipshape before long. In the meantime, or anytime, check out the delights under Portfolio to the right to see what I’ve been up to in library school and while on co-op (co-operative education, a full-time internship program I did for all of 2008). I also encourage you to subscribe for updates, or just check back now and again.

Comments and suggestions are most welcome! The picture above, by the way, is the Walker Library in Uptown, Minneapolis, MN, on an icy day.

6 comments on “please report sticky doors, uneven floors”

  1. Categorizing a non-existant collection sounds like a Borges short story.

  2. Indeed! hee hee.

  3. Welcome to the unwalled garden. Lookin’ good.

  4. Hey Meg !!
    busted link at Beer Snoob ..

    The Icon works but the text one takes meh to the wrong place!

  5. Thanks, Daniel, and thanks, meh! The link’s fixed.

  6. Beautiful, if as-yet underpopulated, little town you’re setting up here. The audio from ‘You Are Not Dead’ is playing in the background because I have it loaded on another page. Goes nicely together. 🙂

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